Energy resources debate checklist for kids

Energy resources debate checklist that students can use whilst preparing their arguments on different energy resources.

This debate check list is created by students as they are going to have a debate on different energy sources this week. Kids have been researching and taking various notes on energy supplies. To help them prepare, there is a check list, we worked on and created together as a whole class. They all agreed on that it is only a guideline for them to help. Whoever wants to have a look at it or is lost somewhere during preparation, the list is there for them to read, follow, check. Certainly, students are also free to make up their speeches whatever way they feel like doing it so.

Our debate check list:


1. Say what your topic is.
2. Give a brief summary on what you are going to talk about. Tell your audience about the two different perspectives.


1. Explain two or more reasons supporting the energy source you have chosen.
2. Give details that explain why this energy resource could be an excellent one to use. Use facts that can prove your point.
3. Explain two or more reasons against the other energy resource.
4. Give details that explain why this energy resource could not be the best choice to use.
5. Compare and contrast.
6. Prepare at least two questions you will ask the opponent about his/her energy source. (Try to find the weakest point of their resource).
7. Don’t be surprised, be prepared to defend your point of view when the opponent asks questions about your source.



1. Explain your point of view.
2. Explain why that is your point of view.
3. Finish with a short but witty sentence to convince the audience.

I hope this debate check list, we created carefully, will be a great guide for the students to prepare their first argument on energy sources. Can you add more to complete our list?

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